BB206: Planlægning og fortolkning af biologiske eksperimenter (5 ECTS)

STADS: 04007301



1st quater

Ansvarlige undervisere

Hold Type Dag Tidsrum Lokale Uger Kommentar
Fælles I Tirsdag 08-10 U10 35,39
Fælles I Tirsdag 08-10 U49c 36
Fælles I Tirsdag 08-10 U24 37-38
S1 TE Tirsdag 14-18 U10b 35,38
S1 TE Tirsdag 14-18 U10a 36-37
S1 TE Onsdag 10-14 U10b 39-41
S1 TE Fredag 10-14 U10b 40
S1 TE Fredag 10-14 U10a 41
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Faglige forudsætninger:
Curriculum from bachelor in biology or equivalent presumed known. Students who have passed “BB817 Planning and evaluation of biological experiments” cannot take the course.

Through the course the students will be trained in summarizing biological topics with the aim of planning, evaluating and presenting their own experimental, biological investigations. An aim of the course is to enable the students to critically evaluate research papers from the international, scientific literature. Several diverse examples of studies, reflecting the real complexity in a numbers of experimental, biological disciplines, will be reviewed. The students will learn to use statistical as well as graphical software.

Forventet læringsudbytte
At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to:

• relate critically to and discuss the international, biological, scientific literature
• summarize and evaluate topics within biological disciplines, such as ecology, physiology, ecotoxicology and neurobiology, with the aim of proposing testable, biological hypotheses
• plan and design relevant laboratory or field studies to test the proposed hypotheses, including the use of statistical power analysis
• handle, analyse and evaluate data from completed experimental investigations, including statistical testing, such as t-test, ANOVA, multiple pairwise comparisons, regression, etc.
• present results from experimental investigations correctly, in accordance with the specific conventions of the individual biological discipline
• evaluate, discuss and put into perspective results from their own experimental, biological investigations in relation to existing knowledge

The necessity of quantitative evaluation of experimental, biological results. Types of biological data and the sources of variability in experimental biology. Planning and designing experimental, biological studies. Handling of raw data, evaluation and presentation of results attained. Principles for method validation and quality control in biological investigations.

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Kursets hjemmeside
Dette kursus benytter e-learn (blackboard).


Eksamen- og censurform:
Project assignment, Pass/fail, internal evaluation by teacher

Vejledende timetal
På naturvidenskab er undervisningen tilrettelagt efter trefasemodellen dvs. intro, trænings- og studiefasen.

Lectures: 10 hours
Tutorials: 36 hours
Aktiviteter i studiefasen

Dette kursus undervises på engelsk, hvis der deltager internationale studerende, ellers undervises på dansk.

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Pris for åben uddannelse
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Denne kursusbeskrivelse var gyldig fra 1. februar 2009 til 31. august 2010.