BMB504: Fundamental Molecular Biology (5 ECTS)

STADS: 01000401

Bachelor course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the autumn semester.
Second quarter.

Teacher responsible

Additional teachers

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Monday 10-12 U55 50
Common I Wednesday 10-12 U55 44,46,48
Common I Wednesday 10-12 U55 50
Common I Thursday 08-10 U55 45-47
Common I Friday 14-16 U55 44
Common I Friday 14-16 U110 47
S1 TE Tuesday 12-14 U130 49
S1 TE Wednesday 08-10 U142 45-51
S2 TE Thursday 10-12 U145 44-51
S3 TE Wednesday 16-18 U142 49-51
S3 TE Friday 12-14 U145 44-48
S4 TE Monday 14-16 U151 49
S4 TE Tuesday 14-16 U145 50-51
S4 TE Friday 10-12 U145 45-48
S4 TE Friday 14-16 U143 49
S5 TE Monday 08-10 U133 44-51
S6 TE Monday 14-16 U26a 45-48
S6 TE Tuesday 16-18 U147 49
S6 TE Friday 08-10 U91 49-51
S7 TE Thursday 14-16 U145 44-51
Show entire timetable
Show personal time table for this course.


Academic preconditions:
BMB501 must be passed.

Course introduction
The course aims to give a general introduction to molecular biological systems in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Students will learn about the structure of large biological macromolecules (DNA, RNA and proteins) as well as their functions in the storage and transfer of genetic information in living cells. The course gives the basic knowledge that is necessary for the more advanced courses in molecular biology.

Students will gain a broad insight into the field of molecular biology, and will learn how to use this knowledge, for example:
- to understand scientific questions and terms within molecular biology’s central disciplines
- to understand how genetic information is conveyed in all living cells, according to the central dogma of molecular biology
- to be able to express oneself using precise scientific and technical terminology
- to take an educated position regarding controversial scientific questions, including for example genetically modified organisms
- to be able to understand and evaluate information concerning molecular biology that is presented in the media and scientific literature

Expected learning outcome

Subject overview
The following subjects will be presented and discussed: 1. Information flow through macromolecules from gene to protein
2. Genome organisation in pro- og eukaryotes
3. Structure and function of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) that are involved in the flow of information
4. Replication of DNA, including regulation of DNA synthesis
5. Mechanisms of DNA recombination
6. Mutation of DNA and its repair
7. Mechanisms of transposition
8. Synthesis of RNA by transcription from DNA
9. Regulation of gene expression
10. Processing of RNA including splicing of mRNA
11. Ribosome’s structure and how it function in protein synthesis
12. Protein localization and export
13. Proteins involved in the control of cell division
14. Antibiotics and cytotoxins
15. Fundamental techniques within molecular biology including PCR, arrays and gel shift assays

  • Stryer: Biochemestry, 7. edt.

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam

Assessment and marking:
A three-hour written exam with books, notes, etc; marked by an external examiner according to the Danish 7-scale.

Re-examination after 4th quarter.

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.

Undervisningen vil bestå af forelæsninger (24 timer), som suppleres med eksaminatorier (16 timer).
Educational activities

No recorded information about the language used in the course.

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.