BMB522: Molecular Biology and Human Genetic Disorders (5 ECTS)

STADS: 01002201

Bachelor course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the autumn semester.
2nd quarter.

Teacher responsible

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Monday 10-12 U20 45-50
Common I Wednesday 08-10 U20 45-50
Common I Thursday 08-10 U20 45, 47-51
Common I Friday 12-14 U20 45-50
Show entire timetable
Show personal time table for this course.

E-timer, der er på kurset aftales med de studerende ad hoc, når kurset er i gang.
max antal 30 studerende


Academic preconditions:
Either BM113 or BMB503 and BMB505 must be passed.

Course introduction
To give students a thorough introduction into selected genetic diseases and the molecular changes involved in them. This part is accompanied by lectures on state-of-the-art methods currently used in cell biology, enabling the students to understand the methodological background for the exploration of the various diseases etiology.

The students should: Part 1: Explain the basic principles and practical applications of the cell biology techniques discussed throughout the lectures. Part 2: Description of the individual diseases including knowledge of the techniques applied throughout the experiments conducted in order to elucidate the molecular mechanism.

Expected learning outcome

Subject overview
Part 1
General techniques in tissue culture, observations of live cells, biochemical/biophysical analyses of cells, - transfer of molecules into cells, labeling of proteins in intact cells, gene manipulation: transgenics
Part 2
Circadian genes- bipolar and sleeping disorders, Signaling in Alzheimer’s and related diseases, - Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (Prion diseases), Mitochondrial diseases, Phosphoinositide signaling disorders in human disease, Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism, Cancer 1: Hormone-regulation in breast and urogenital tumors, Cancer 2: Personalized medicine – the prospects of drug-targeting signaling pathways, Cancer 3: Tumor metastasis: mechanistic insights and clinical challenges

  • oplyses senere.

See syllabus.

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam

Assessment and marking:
Oral exam. External examiner. Danish 7 mark scale.

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.

Del 1: Forelæsninger 24 timer. Del 2 = 18 timers forelæsning og 7 eksaminatorietimer. De studerende skal give en mundtlig præsentation som forklarer de specifikke aspekter vedrørende de teknikker og sygdomme der undervises i.
Educational activities

This course is taught in English.

Part 1 is given in English. Part 2 is given in Danish or English, depending upon the participation of international students.

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.