BMB524: THE SMALL RNA REGULATORS OF BACTERIA- Roles and Mechanisms in Gene Regulation (10 ECTS)

STADS: 01002601

Bachelor course

Teaching period

1st and 2nd quarter.

Teacher responsible

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Monday 12-14 U37 36-40
S1 TE Monday 12-14 U20 47
S1 TL Tuesday 09-17 U82d 45-46
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Samlæses med BMB807


Academic preconditions:
Passed BMB504 Fundamental Molecular Biology, BMB507 Fundamental Microbiology and BMB510 Biomedical Microbiology. Participants are advised also to follow BM511 Bioinformatics I and BMB508 Advanced Molecular Biology.

Course introduction
To give students in biological sciences and other interested participant’s insight into the importance of post-transcriptional control of gene expression and the versatility of regulatory RNA molecules. The course will focus on recent discoveries of gene regulatory RNA molecules in bacteria and on powerful tools which may be used in genomic mining and/or for studying gene regulation.

Students will gain familiarity with recent advances in the identification and characterization of non-coding RNAs that have important regulatory roles in the cell. The students will:
• Acquire knowledge of regulatory RNA function and molecular mechanisms
• Understand and describe bacterial adaptation
• Understand and explain similarities and differences of small RNA action in pro- and eukaryotes
• Understand and use molecular tools for studying regulatory RNAs and gene activity
By reading and presenting peer-reviewed publications, the students will be able to evaluate and discuss critically current ideas of gene regulation

Expected learning outcome

Subject overview
• The expanding universe of non-coding RNAs. The history and range of ncRNAs in bacteria
• Identification of ncRNA:
The classic phase of ncRNA discovery
The modern phase of RNA hunting -Genomic mining
• Functional classes of ncRNAs:
RNAs that modify protein activity
RNAs that modulate translation
• Molecular mechanisms / Switching on and off with ncRNA
• Requirement for a conserved RNA binding protein, Hfq – a Sm like protein
• Structure and functions of Sm proteins –key players in RNA transactions.
• The physiological role of ncRNAs in Bacteria:
Control of sugar metabolism and storage of carbon
Regulation of cell adaptation: stress-induced sRNAs
Control of alternative sigma factors: The E and S paradigms.
Control in iron metabolism
Modulators of the bacterial surface
Role of Hfq and sRNAs in virulence
• Strategies for elucidating the function and/or targets for ncRNAs
Genearrays, proteomics and computer programs
• Antisense RNA control and its biotechnological application.
• Our current picture of antisense RNA action: Unsolved problems

  • Noter: Riboregulation I bakterier (BMB524) , 2008.
  • Øvelsesvejledning I BMB524, 2008.

See syllabus.

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam

Assessment and marking:
(a) Active participation in laboratory exercises are a prerequisite to pass the course.
(B) Oral examination. External examiner. Danish 7 mark scale.

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.

Forelæsninger, antal timer 20. Eksaminatorietimer/opgaveregning, antal timer 5. Laboratorieøvelser, antal timer 70. Forelæsninger vil inkludere artikelgennemgang og eksaminatorier vil inkludere opgaveregning og gennemgang af projektarbejde (5 timer).
Educational activities

This course is taught in English, if international students participate. Otherwise the course is taught in Danish.

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.