BMB533: Molecular biology and protein chemistry (10 ECTS)

STADS: 01017001

Bachelor course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the autumn semester.

Teacher responsible

Additional teachers

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Monday 10-12 U55 37-40,43-46,48-51
Common I Monday 10-12 U177 47
Common I Wednesday 10-12 U55 41
Common I Friday 14-16 U55 36-38
H1 TE Wednesday 16-18 U146 37-41,43-51
H1 TL Wednesday 14-16 White Lab 43-46
H2 TE Wednesday 14-16 U146 37,39-41,43-51
H2 TE Wednesday 14-16 U147 38
H2 TL Wednesday 16-18 White Lab 43-46
H3 TE Thursday 10-12 U146 37-41,43-51
H3 TL Thursday 14-16 White Lab 43-46
H4 TE Monday 12-14 U153 51
H4 TE Thursday 14-16 U146 37-41,43-50
H4 TL Thursday 16-18 White Lab 43-46
H5 TE Monday 14-16 U153 51
H5 TE Thursday 16-18 U146 37-41,43-50
H5 TL Thursday 10-12 White Lab 43-44
H5 TL Friday 12-14 White Lab 45
H5 TL Friday 08-10 White Lab 46
Show entire timetable
Show personal time table for this course.


Academic preconditions:
Students taking the course are expected to:
  • Have a basic knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology
  • Be able to use a computer and access the internet

Course introduction
The aim of the course is to enable the student to gain a basic understanding of molecular biology in all living organisms. We will study the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to proteins in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and the regulation of these processes. The course gives a foundation for continued study in the degree program.

The course builds on the subject matter covered in the courses FF503 and BMB531, and gives an academic basis for understanding the topics in the later courses BMB507 and BMB508.

In relation to the competence profile of the degree it is the explicit focus of the course to:

  • Give competence in understanding the terminology used in molecular biology and protein chemistry.
  • Give skills to express yourself clearly in the language used in these disciplines.
  • Give knowledge and understanding of the flow of genetic information in all cells.
  • Give the competence to understand and critically evaluate information relating to the fields of molecular biology and protein chemistry, when these are reported in scientific journals and in the media.

Students will gain a broad insight into the fields of molecular biology and protein chemistry, and will learn how to use this knowledge, for example:
  • to understand scientific questions and terms within molecular biology’s and protein chemistry’s central disciplines
  • to understand how genetic information is conveyed within all living cells, according to the central dogma of molecular biology
  • to be able to express oneself using precise scientific and technical terminology
  • to be able to understand and evaluate information concerning molecular biology and protein chemistry that is presented in the media and scientific literature
Expected learning outcome
The learning objectives of the course is that the student demonstrates the ability to:
  • Know how to use correctly general terminology within the fields of genetics, molecular biology and protein chemistry.
  • Explain the Central Dogma of the flow of information from genes to proteins.
  • Explain connection between nucleic acid structure and function in the Central Dogma information flow.  
  • Describe the basic steps in DNA replication and transcription, and mRNA translation to proteins.
  • Describe the combinations of enzyme complexes that are involved in DNA replication and transcription, and mRNA translation to proteins.
  • Understand the principles of gene regulation.
  • Give detailed, specific examples of these processes. 
  • Distinguish the differences between the molecular processes governing these processes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
  • Sketch the mechanisms involved in homologous and specific recombination.
  • List the main causes of mutation and the consequences of these at the molecular and cellular levels and their potential effects on the whole organism.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of general techniques in molecular biology and gene technology.  
  • Describe the chemical structures of the twenty common amino acids, and how modification of these alters protein structure and function.
  • Differentiate between primary, secondary and tertiary structures of proteins and describe quaternary interactions within protein complexes.
  • Use the programs VMD and Cytoscape for visualizing macromolecular structures, and its application in discovering details of molecular interactions.  
  • Describe the folding, misfolding and degradation of proteins, and how deviations in these molecular pathways can lead to disease.
  • Attain knowledge of modern methodology in protein chemistry, protein purification, characterization and their analysis using bioinformatics. 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of how proteins interaction with other biological macromolecules during the execution of physiological processes in the cell. This includes an understanding of how proteins function in the immune system, in blood clotting, and in sensory and motoric systems. 
  • Independently search and find relevant information to answer questions concerning the topics covered on this course.
Subject overview
The following main topics are contained in the course:
  • Protein structure, folding and function
  • Protein function in the context of physiology 
  • Post translational modification of proteins
  • Protein degradation 
  • Methods in protein chemistry
  • Genome organization in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
  • Information flow from gene to protein 
  • Structure and function of nucleic acids (DNA og RNA)
  • DNA replication, including regulation of DNA synthesis
  • Mechanisms of DNA recombination 
  • Mutations and repair of DNA
  • Mechanisms of transposition 
  • Synthesis of RNA via DNA transcription
  • Regulation of gene expression
  • RNA processing and mRNA splicing
  • Composition of ribosomes and their function in protein synthesis
  • Protein localization and export
  • Control of the cell cycle by proteins 
  • Antibiotics and cytotoxins
  • Fundamental metods used in molecular biology, including PCR, DNA sequencing, gene cloning.
  • Berg, Tymoczko og Stryer: Biochemistry, 8. udgave.
  • Ekstra materiale vil blive udvalgt fra år til år.

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam

Assessment and marking:
  1. 4 hours written examination. Evaluated by external censorship by the Danish 7-mark scale. Exam aids allowed, a closer description of the exam rules will be posted under 'Course Information' on Blackboard.  (10 ECTS). (01017002).
Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.
Intro phase: 40 hours
Skills training phase: 38 hours, hereof:
 - Tutorials: 30 hours
 - Laboratory exercises: 8 hours

Educational activities
  • Study text book, slides from the lectures
  • Write and read notes, work on the exercises.
Educational form

This course is taught in Danish or English, depending on the lecturer.

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.