BMB806: Infectious disease immunology (5 ECTS)

STADS: 01003601

Master's level course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the autumn semester.
1st quarter

Teacher responsible

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Thursday 09-12 35-41
S1 TL Thursday 12-16 35-41
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Max deltagerantal: 12 - kurset er et ph.d. -kursus som kan tages af både kandidat- og ph.d. -studerende


Academic preconditions:
Immunology (BX10 eller BMB512 og BMB514) must be passed. Bachelor degree.

Course introduction
Knowledge and understanding of mechanisms in infectious disease occurrence/spreading and basic biological mechanisms of human infectious diseases

Expected learning outcome
When the course has been taken, the student is expected to be able to: -Describe, compare and discuss properties of selected pathogenic vira, bacteria, fungi and parasites
-Describe and discuss the role of innate and adaptive immunology in protection against infectious diseases
-describe, compare and discuss dominant infectious diseases (e.g. malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS)
-describe, compare and discuss selected digestive system infections
-describe, compare and discuss selected airway infections
-describe and use basic principles of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases
-read, understand and critisize new literature on infectious disease immunology
-present and discuss issues and problems in infectious diseases immunology

Subject overview
Pathogenic vira, bacteria, fungi and parasites
Innate and adaptive immunology in protection against infectious diseases
Dominant infectious diseases (e.g. malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS)
Digestive system infections
Airway infections
“New” infectious diseases
Diagnostics of infections
Treatment of infections (incl. resistance)
Prevention of infections

    Udleverede noter og artikler

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam

Assessment and marking:
Project assignment graded according to the 7-scale. Internal censorship.

Re-examination after 2nd. quarter.

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.

Forelæsninger: 20 timer
Eksaminatorietimer/opgaveregning: 20 timer
Laboratorieøvelser: 10 timer
Educational activities

This course is taught in English, if international students participate. Otherwise the course is taught in Danish.

The course is a collaboration between SDU and Statens Serum Institut (SSI). Part of the course takes place at SSI

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.