FY815: Classical field theory (5 ECTS)

STADS: 07007001

Master's level course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the spring semester.

Teacher responsible
Email: mlomholt@sdu.dk

Additional teachers

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Monday 10-12 U147 10-13,16-19,21
Common I Monday 10-12 U146 20
Common I Tuesday 08-10 U147 15
Common I Tuesday 13-15 U148 22
H1 TE Wednesday 12-14 U146 20
H1 TE Thursday 10-12 U148 10-11,13,15-19,21-22
H1 TE Thursday 14-16 U146 12
Show entire timetable
Show personal time table for this course.


Academic preconditions:
FY504 Classical Physics, FY506 Electromagnetism II and FY522 Introductory Quantum Mechanics are required known.

Course introduction
The course provides an introduction to classical field theory.

Expected learning outcome
 After completing the course the student is expected to:

  • know the Lagrange densities for a number of field theories
  • know how to derive the equations of motion for these
  • be able to switch between relativistic and non-relativistic formulations
Subject overview
Tensors, pinciple of least action for fields, conserved currents, momentum and energy of fields, Fluids and elastic solids, the electromagnetic field, Noether’s theorem.

  • Davison E. Soper: Classical Field Theory.

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam

Assessment and marking:
Oral exam based on prepared assignments. Evaluated on pass/fail basis, intermal censorship by teacher (5 ECTS).

Reexamination in the same exam period or immediately thereafter

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.
Intro phase: 24 hours
Skills training phase: 24 hours, hereof:
 - Tutorials: 24 hours

Educational activities

This course is taught in Danish or English, depending on the lecturer. However, if international students participate, the teaching language will always be English.

The course can also be followed by bachelor students.

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.