KE802: Nanobioscience technology (5 ECTS)

STADS: 10002601

Master's level course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the autumn semester.

Teacher responsible

There is no timetable available for the chosen semester.

Skemalægges med de studerende


Academic preconditions:
SDU students: Bachelor degree in Nanobioscience.
International studdents:Bachelor degree (individually assessed)

Course introduction
Application of theory and experimental knowledge gained here and in previous courses in the design of a research project based on the students own proposal (with guidance from teachers involved).

Expected learning outcome
A student that participates fully in this course can:

  • On the basis of knowledge obtained in previous theoretical and practical courses make a written project proposal for a research project in the context of nanobioscience.
  • Explain the state-of-the-art of the subject of their proposal.
  • Ascertain experimental and economical feasibility within the allotted time frame and whether equipment, etc, is accessible.
  • Carry out experiments with the advice of appropriate supervisors
  • Interpret results, and their relevance with respect to the larger context, i.e., What might the application be? What would be the next experiment?
  • Write a report in the form of article for a standard scientific journal.
Subject overview
The knowledge gained from the theory and experimental work within the nanobioscience education will be applied to a research project fsuggested by the responsible supervisor(s).

There isn't any litterature for the course at the moment.

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam

Assessment and marking:
The course will be evaluated with a project report, passed/not passed and internal marking.

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.

Individuelt projekt, evt. inklusive eksperimentelt arbejde.
Educational activities

This course is taught in English, if international students participate. Otherwise the course is taught in Danish.

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.