MM550: Perspectives on Mathematics (5 ECTS)

STADS: 13015001

Bachelor course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the spring semester.

Teacher responsible

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Monday 10-12 U154 6-7,9,11,17-18
Common I Tuesday 12-14 U154 14
H1 TE Monday 14-16 U8 9
H1 TE Monday 10-12 U154 10,12,15-16,19
H1 TE Wednesday 14-16 U31 7
H1 TE Wednesday 10-12 U154 12,17,19
Show entire timetable
Show personal time table for this course.

Ubegrænset deltagerantal.


Academic preconditions:
Students taking the course are expected to:
  • Have knowledge of the various fields of mathematics algebra, analysis and statistics.

Course introduction
The course introduces central themes from the Philosophy of Mathematics and discusses ethical problems that are relevant to mathematics and the natural sciences. 
The course presupposes a broad knowledge in mathematics as obtained through the bachelor-degree in mathematics as the course’s aim is to discuss mathematics. Furthermore some themes build on the knowledge of basic logic as obtained in for example MM537.
If the student takes further courses in this area, it is possible to write a master thesis in this area.
In relation to the competence profile of the degree it is the explicit focus of the course to:
  • Give the competence to reflect on mathematics as a subject and mathematics role in the society
  • Give skills to reason and argue about themes in the philosophy of mathematics
  • Give knowledge and understanding of positions in the philosophy of mathematics

Expected learning outcome
The learning objective of the course is that the student demonstrates the ability to:
  • reproduce central parts of the literature of the course.
  • use the notions and concepts from the course correctly.
  • relate relevant issues about the students subject to the theories presented in the course.
  • Argue for independent points of view relevant for this course.

Subject overview
Themes are:
  • Role of university and mathematics in society.
  • Methods in mathematics (epistemology).
  • Theory and Reality (ontology).
  • Ethics.

    Meddeles ved kursets start

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam

Assessment and marking:

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.
Intro phase: 14 hours
Skills training phase: 20 hours, hereof:
 - Tutorials: 20 hours

Educational activities
Studiefasen benyttes især til at forberede oplæg og skrive rapport.Educational form
The themes listed will be introduced in lectures and will afterwards be discussed in relation to mathematics in smaller classes. The exercises will sometimes have lectures by the responsible teacher but mostly they will be based on active participation. During the course all students will be giving a presentation of chosen topic in a group. Based on this presentation the group will then write a report that will be the starting point of the oral exam. Note that a presentation as well as a passed project is a prerequisite to go to the final exam.

This course is taught in Danish or English, depending on the lecturer.

The course cannot be chosen by students who passed NAT504.

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.