ST501: Science Statistics (5 ECTS)

STADS: 25000101

Bachelor course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the spring semester.
4th quarter.

Teacher responsible

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Tuesday 10-12 U45 14,16,18,20
Common I Wednesday 08-10 U45 14,16-21
M1 TL Wednesday 10-13 U10B 14,17,19-20
M1 TE Wednesday 14-16 U49E 16-21
S1 TL Monday 16-19 U10B 15
S1 TL Wednesday 13-16 U10B 17,19-20
S1 TE Friday 08-10 U14 16-18,20-21
S2 TL Monday 08-11 U10B 15,17,19-20
S2 TE Tuesday 12-14 U14 16-21
S3 TE Thursday 08-10 U14 16-20
S3 TL Friday 08-11 U10B 14,17,19-20
S4 TE Wednesday 14-16 U17 16-21
S4 TL Friday 14-17 U10B 14,17-18,20
S5 TE Tuesday 08-10 U17 16-21
S5 TL Thursday 11-14 U10B 14,17,19-20
S6 TE Thursday 10-12 U14 16-20
S6 TL Friday 11-14 U10B 17-18,20-21
S10 TL Thursday 08-11 U10B 14,17,19-20
S10 TE Thursday 12-14 U17 16-20
S10 TE Friday 08-10 U17 21
S11 TE Tuesday 14-16 U17 16-21
S11 TL Thursday 14-17 U10B 14,17,19-20
S12 TL Wednesday 16-19 U10B 14,17,19-20
S12 TE Wednesday 10-12 U2 16-21
Show entire timetable
Show personal time table for this course.

Holdene fra det tre foregående kvartaler videreføres ikke i fjerde kvartal. For at give plads til gruppearbejde i NAT501, har vi været nød til at lave holdene om, således at alle som er sammen i en projektgruppen i NAT501 også går på samme hold og derfor har undervisning på samme tid.
Det vil sige, at alle hold er lavet helt om i forhold til de tre foregående kvartaler.
I student selvbetjeningen kan du se din hold placering. Er du ikke kommet på hold, er du velkommen til at send en mail med holdønske.

31.03.2006: Hold S10 er lig med hold S9 i NAT501
27.03.2006: Lab S6 ændret
22.03.2006: Skemaændringer S1, S3 og S6.
20.03.2006: Skemaændringer alle E & L hold.
16.03.2006: Skemaændring E-hold S12.

Kurset ligger i 4.kvartal.

Hold S12 er forbeholdt studerende optaget før 01.09.2005.


Academic preconditions:
The contents of the courses Calculus I and II must be known.

Course introduction
To introduce elementary methods from probability theory and statistics with a view to analysing experimental data. The participants will learn to use a statistical computer package for data analysis.

Acquired skills:
The participants will acquire understanding of elementary probability theory and statistical methods, and their applications in experimental data. They will know how to apply this knowledge in relevant situations for:
• using graphical methods for descriptive data analysis;
• describing data using summary statistics, such as mean, variance and co-variance;
• modelling experimental data using statistical models;
• estimating parameters in statistical models, and constructing confidence intervals for the parameters;
• testing simple statistical hypotheses;
• analysing data using regressions- and calibration models;
• designing experiments;
• interpreting statistical data analyses and expressing the results in writing.

Expected learning outcome

Subject overview
Descriptive data analysis, probability models, random variables, mean, variance, co-variance, statistical models, parameter estimation, confidence intervals, regression, calibration, t-test, z-test, experimental design.


  • Petruccelli, Nandram & Chen: Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 1999, Prentice Hall Press.

See syllabus.

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam

Assessment and marking:
3 hours written exam with all aids (books, notes and calculator). Grades: pass/fail. Internal censorship. Mandatory assessments (internal censorship by teacher: pass/fail), which the participants must pass in order to sit the exam. The assessments may be submitted by groups of max. 2 persons.

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.

Forelæsninger (28 timer), eksaminatorier (12 timer) og laboratorieøvelser (10 timer).
Educational activities

This course is taught in Danish.

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.