SU503: Pharmacology (5 ECTS)

STADS: 29002601

Bachelor course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the spring semester.
4th quarter

Teacher responsible

Additional teachers

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Monday 08-10 U20 15
Common I Monday 08-10 U20 16
Common I Monday 08-10 1906 17
Common I Monday 08-10 U46 18
Common I Monday 08-10 JEE 19
Common I Monday 08-10 1902 20
Common I Monday 08-10 1904 22
Common I Wednesday 08-10 U43 15
Common I Wednesday 09-10 U47 17
Common I Wednesday 08-10 U43 18
Common I Wednesday 08-10 1904 19
Common I Wednesday 08-10 1907 21
Common I Thursday 16-18 Emil 16
Common I Thursday 08-10 1907 21
Common I Friday 13-14 16
S1 TL Monday 10-16 WP 1917 19
S1 TE Tuesday 13-15 1901 16
S1 TE Tuesday 10-12 1902 18
S1 TE Thursday 13-15 1907 15
S1 TE Thursday 13-15 1904 17
S1 TE Thursday 13-14 1902 21
S1 TE Thursday 13-15 1906 22
S1 TE Friday 13-14 25.111 21
S2 TE Tuesday 15-17 1901 16
S2 TE Tuesday 12-14 1902 18
S2 TL Tuesday 10-16 WP 1917 19
S2 TE Thursday 15-17 1907 15
S2 TE Thursday 15-17 1904 17
S2 TE Thursday 14-15 1902 21
S2 TE Thursday 15-17 1906 22
S2 TE Friday 12-13 25.111 21
S3 TL Wednesday 10-16 WP 1917 19
Show entire timetable
Show personal time table for this course.

Samlæses med SU512.

Kommentar: Supplerende litteratur:, Infomatum, 2009.


Academic preconditions:
Passed SU501 Anatomy. BMB503 Fundamental Biochemistry and SU502 Medical Physiology must be known. Students who have passed SU512 cannot participate in SU503.

Course introduction
To give the students a thorough knowledge in classic receptor pharmacology, pharmacokinetic and the effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action at the cellular level and organ level. The teaching aim is to give the students a close knowledge of the chemical signals that work on cells and organic tissues and knowledge of the effect of drugs on these signal mechanisms, which develop through interaction with receptors, enzymes and ion transportation mechanisms.

Expected learning outcome
• Prove knowledge of basic concepts of the interaction between drugs and receptors.
• Prove knowledge of pharmacokinetics and make simple calculations by first order kinetics.
• Prove knowledge of basic concepts of drug administration, absorption, distribution and elimination.
• Explain the consequences of drug-receptor interaction on intracellular and extracellular signal mechanisms.
• Explain the consequences and the mechanisms of action of the regulation of the eye, the renal, urinary tract and cardio-vascular function, the pulmonary function, the gastrointestinal function, the uterus and the endocrine organs by the autonomic nervous system and the influence of drugs on this regulation.
• Prove knowledge of the effects and mechanisms of the effects of the mediators of the immune system and the possible influence of drugs.
• Prove knowledge of the effects of drugs on the bone metabolism, the pulmonary function, the gastrointestinal function, and the endocrine organs.
• Prove knowledge of the effects on the blood-forming organs of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12.
• Prove knowledge of common side effects of drugs, side effects that might be dangerous and toxic effects of drugs.

Subject overview
• General Pharmacology
• Receptor pharmacology
• Pharmacokinetics
• The autonomic nervous system
• Endocrine pharmacology
• Inflammation and immunopharmacology
• Pulmonary pharmacology
• Gastrointestinal pharmacology
• Bone metabolism


  • Oplyses senere.

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam

Assessment and marking:
a) 4 hour written exam (4,5 ECTS), with external censorship and grades according to the Danish 7-point scale. (29002602)
b) Report based Lab. work (0,5 ECTS), Pass/fail, internal evaluation by teacher. (29002612)

Reexam in August

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.

Forelæsninger og eksaminatorier: 50 timer
Øvelse: 6 timer

Timetallet er vejledende
Educational activities

This course is taught in Danish or English, depending on the lecturer. However, if international students participate, the teaching language will always be English.

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.