SU802: Medical neurobiology (5 ECTS)

STADS: 29000801

Master's level course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the autumn semester.
1st quarter.

Teacher responsible

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Monday 12-14 1901 35,37-38
Common I Monday 12-14 1907 36
Common I Monday 12-14 Marie Krogh 39
Common I Monday 12-14 1902 40-41
Common I Tuesday 14-16 Torben K. With, Klinikbygningen OUH 38
Common I Wednesday 08-10 1901 40
Common I Thursday 10-12 1902 35-39
Common I Friday 10-12 1901 41
S1 TE Tuesday 08-10 1901 36-38,40-41
S1 TL Wednesday 09-11 1906 38
S1 TL Wednesday 15-17 1911,1914,1915 38
S1 TE Thursday 08-10 1902 35,39
S1 TE Thursday 10-12 Marie Krogh 41
S2 TL Wednesday 10-11 1906 35
S2 TL Wednesday 14-15 1911,1914,1915 38
S2 TL Thursday 17-18 1911,1914,1915 38
S2 TL Thursday 16-17 1911,1914,1915 38
Show entire timetable
Show personal time table for this course.


Academic preconditions:
Bachelor's degree in biomedicine, pharmaceutical chemistry or medicamental science

Course introduction
To provide the students with the necessary knowledge about the normal structural and functional organization of the central nervous system (CNS) in order for the students to understand basic neuroscience, common diagnostic and therapeutic principles for important central nervous diseases. To present topics of neuroscience research and methods to the students to provide a basis for critical evaluation of present knowledge and to stimulate continued education and research interest.

Expected learning outcome
At the end of course the student is expected to be able to account for:
  • the gross anatomy of the central nervous system (CNS).

  • the cellular components of CNS and the general functions of neurons and glial cells.
  • the meninges and CNS blood supply.
  • the cerebrospinal fluid production and circulation.
  • the electrochemical properties of neurons, incl. initiation and propagation of action potentials (nerve impulses).
  • signal transduction in the synapse, incl. neurotransmitter and –transmitter functions and possibilities for modulation of signal transmission.
  • spinal cord and brain stem afferent and efferent connections and the neuronal basis for most important reflexes.
  • the peripheral somatosensory and visceral sensory receptors and propagation of somatosensory information from the periphery to the cerebral cortex.
  • the senses (vision, hearing, balance, taste, smell) and the propagation of the sensory information from the peripheral receptors to the cerebral cortex, and the most important special sense reflexes.
  • the structural and functional organization of the motor pathways from cerebral cortex to muscle.
  • the functional interaction between primary cortical motor areas and other cortical areas.
  • the structural and functional organization of the basal ganglia and connected brain areas.
  • the structural and functional organization of the cerebellum.
  • the structural and functional organization of the thalamus and the cerebral cortex.
  • modulation of cerebral cortical activity and the neural background for consciousness and sleep, incl. the arousal system of the brain stem.
  • cognitive functions, incl. language, perception of space and self and personality.
  • the structural and functional organization of the hypothalamus, incl. functional relations to endocrine system, the autonomous nervous system and somatic cortical functions.
  • the structural and functional organization of the limbic system and the neural basis for emotions, motivation and learning and memory.
Subject overview
  • Cellular neurobiology, incl. basal neurophysiology and neurotransmission CNS gross anatomy and blood supply
  • Spinal cord structural and functional organization with emphasis on spinal reflexes and sensory and motor pathways
  • Structural and functional organization of the brain stem, thalamus and cerebral cortex
  • Sensory systems, incl. special senses (vision, hearing, balance, taste, smell)
  • Motor systems, incl. basal ganglia and cerebellum
  • Hypothalamus, neuroendocrine control and autonomic functions
  • The limbic system, emotions, learning and memory
  • Cerebral cortex, cortical functions, consciousness/arousal and sleep.
  • Dale Purves et al: Neuroscience, 4. udgave.

See syllabus.

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam

Assessment and marking:
(a) Written exam. Danish 7 mark scale, external examiner.

Reexam after 2nd quarter.

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.

Forelæsninger, antal timer 32.
Eksaminatorietimer og gruppearbejde, antal timer 16.
Laboratorieøvelser, antal timer 4.

Laboratorieøvelser omfatter undersøgelse af sansernes fysiologi samt øvelser i hjernens anatomi. Holdtimerne inkluderer kliniske cases, anatomiøvelser, besøg på patologisk afdeling for at erhverve indsigt i makroskopisk hjernepatologi. Adgang til præparater og digitalt billed materiale i studiesal og via internet.
Educational activities

This course is taught in English, if international students participate. Otherwise the course is taught in Danish.

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.