SU809: Laboratory Animal Science I (5 ECTS)

STADS: 29002201

Master's level course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the spring semester.
4th quarter.

Teacher responsible

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Monday 09-12 1904 21
Common I Tuesday 08-12 1907 21
Common I Wednesday 08-12 1907 21
Common I Thursday 08-12 1901 21
Common I Friday 08-12 1908 21
S1 TL Monday 12-16 21
S1 TL Tuesday 12-16 21
S1 TL Wednesday 12-16 21
S1 TL Thursday 12-16 21
Show entire timetable
Show personal time table for this course.

Revison of timetable:
: F-timer ændret efter ønske.

Der er deltagerbegrænsning på max 20 og mindst 4 studerende.

Bemærk: På grund af meget stor tilslutning til kurset i foråret 2011, er der den 7. januar 2011 besluttet at udvide kapaciteten på kurset med 20 ekstra pladser. Der er således i fortået et samlet maks 40 pladser.

Kursister skal selv medbringe nyvasket hvid kittel med lange ærmer.

Kurset afvikles som et intensivkursus i uge 21 (23.-27. maj 2011)

Eksamen fredag i uge 21.

Alle lab-timer foregår Biomedicinsk Laboratorium, J.B. Winsløws Vej 23


Academic preconditions:
Bachelor's degree in natural sciences or health sciences. Students who have passed BX20 or SU806 are not eligible for this course.

Course introduction
Give participants a basic understanding of application of animals in experimental medical and biological research through self study, lectures and exercises. This course is a legal requirement for those working with laboratory animals, and thus all exercises are obligatory. The course concludes with a written examination.

Expected learning outcome
This course is obligatory for students, laboratory technicians and other persons, who participate in animal research. This course gives no qualification for conducting research with animals, but the course can be expended with a second module to obtain this qualification (Laboratory Animal Science II, which is open to phd-students). This course has a duration of 38 hours, and fulfills the requirements laid down in Danish law (§2 af Bekendtgørelse nr. 1016 af 12.12.2001).

Subject overview
A) Legal and ethical aspects
a) European and Danish law
b) Responsible use of laboratory animals
c) 3R principes
d) Alternative methods

B) Basic knowledge og laboratory animals
a) Biology of laboratory animals
b) Structure and function of organs
c) Physiologi and biochemistry relevant for procedures
d) Normal values and biological variation
e) Biological rhythms and impact on research
f) Breeding laboratory animals
g) Genetical techniques

C) Housing and care of laboratory animals
a) Environmental factors
b) Cages and space requirements
c) Environmental enrichment
d) Care practices
e) Microbiological and hygiene status, health control
f) Nutricion and feeding

D) Animal Welfare
a) Behavioral and physiological needs
b) Animal specific behaviour
c) Stress and assessment of levels of stress
d) Reducing stress during experimental procedures
e) Recognition of disease
f) Humane endepoints

E) Biotechnical procedures
a) Acclimatisation
b) Handling of laboratory animals
c) Administration of compounds
d) Sampling techniques
e) Euthanasia
f) Collection of data and Good Laboratory Practice

F) Anaesthesia, analgesia and basic surgical techniques
a) Forms of anaesthesia
b) Analgesia
c) Preparation for surgery
d) Maintenance and monitoring anaesthesia
e) Anaesthetic emergencies
f) Basic surgical techniques
g) Sterility and asepsis
h) Common procedures
i) Wound treatment
j) Postoperative care
k) Analgesic regimens

G) Laboratory animals and occupational health
a) Zoonoses and pathogens
b) Allergenes and prevention of allergy
c) Working with dangerous substances, danger symbols
d) Biohazard and biological agents
e) Personal protection
f) Waste management

There isn't any litterature for the course at the moment.

See syllabus.

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam

Assessment and marking:
a) Written exam with access to course material (open book exam). Internal evaluation, pass/fail. (29002202)

Reexamination after 4th and 2nd quarter.

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.

Selvstudie via e-learn 11 timer.
Seminarer 15 (15 timer)
Øvelser 3 (10 timer)
Demonstration 1 (2 timer)
Educational activities

This course is taught in English, if international students participate. Otherwise the course is taught in Danish.

Max. number of participants: 20
Course coordinator Assoc. Prof. Peter Bollen, Biomedicinsk Laboratorium. Staff at Biomedicinsk Laboratorium teach at this course.

Place: Theory: J.B. Winsløws Vej 19; exercises: J.B. Winsløws Vej 23.

Participants are requested to bring their own clean lab coat with long sleeves.

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.