Recommended course of study for the bachelor program with major in chemistry.

Valid for students enrolled on September 1, 2018. Select another enrollment date:

First-year examination
Required courses

3. year
Bachelor project ECTS (20 ECTS)
Elective (10 ECTS)

KE508 Physical Chemistry B (5 ECTS)

KE506: Synthesis (5 ECTS)

KE525: Inorganic chemistry A (5 ECTS)
Konstituerende modul (15 ECTS)

2. year

KE505 Organic chemistry (10 ECTS)

KE522: Quantum Chemistry and Theoretical Spectroscopy (10 ECTS)

KE530 Quantitative Analytical Chemistry (10 ECTS)

KE532 Green Technology (2.5 ECTS)

NAT511 Science Innovation Project (2.5 ECTS)

KE537: Microscopic and macroscopic physical chemistry (10 ECTS)

KE504: Analytical Spectroscopy (5 ECTS)

KE507: Environmental chemistry A (5 ECTS)
Perspektiverende modul (5 ECTS)

1. year

FF501 First year project (10 ECTS)

KE529 Mathematic methods in Chemistry and Nanoscience (5 ECTS)

KE528 Introductory Inorganic Chemistry (5 ECTS)

FF503: Chemistry, Biology and Molecular Biology – the Empiric Experimental Science (20 ECTS)

FY527 Physics A (5 ECTS)

MM555: Mathematics for Molecular Bioscience, Biomedicine and Chemistry (5 ECTS)

KE536: Introduction to chemistry - research and application (5 ECTS)
FF500: Introduction to subject, research and community of practice (5 ECTS)

Comments to major

Kommentar til førsteårsprøven: Forudsætningsprøver og eksamenselement a) (2 ECTS) samt e) (3 ECTS) i FF503 er ikke del af førsteårsprøven.

Studiestartsprøve: I forbindelse med FF500 afvikles FF500a "Studiestartsprøve".

Perspektiverende modul (5 ECTS): Studerende styrker deres tværfaglige kompetencer i enten biologisk eller matematisk retning ved at vælge henholdsvis BMB530 "Grundlæggende biokemi" eller MM558 "Calculus II".

Konstituerende modul - her vælges ét af følgende moduler:

Required courses

Bachelor project ECTS 20 ECTS
FF501 First year project10 ECTS
FF503: Chemistry, Biology and Molecular Biology – the Empiric Experimental Science20 ECTS
KE504: Analytical Spectroscopy5 ECTS
KE505 Organic chemistry10 ECTS
KE506: Synthesis5 ECTS
KE507: Environmental chemistry A5 ECTS
KE508 Physical Chemistry B5 ECTS
KE522: Quantum Chemistry and Theoretical Spectroscopy10 ECTS
KE525: Inorganic chemistry A5 ECTS
KE528 Introductory Inorganic Chemistry5 ECTS
KE529 Mathematic methods in Chemistry and Nanoscience5 ECTS
KE530 Quantitative Analytical Chemistry10 ECTS
KE532 Green Technology2.5 ECTS
KE536: Introduction to chemistry - research and application5 ECTS
KE537: Microscopic and macroscopic physical chemistry10 ECTS
Konstituerende modul 15 ECTS
NAT511 Science Innovation Project2.5 ECTS
Required courses in total150 ECTS

Auxiliary subjects

FF500: Introduction to subject, research and community of practice5 ECTS
FY527 Physics A5 ECTS
MM555: Mathematics for Molecular Bioscience, Biomedicine and Chemistry5 ECTS
Auxiliary subjects in total15 ECTS


Perspektiverende modul 5 ECTS
Elective 10 ECTS
Elective in total15 ECTS


ECTS in total 180 ECTS


There are no transitionals for the chosen course of study.