Recommended course of study for the bachelor program with major in physics.

Valid for students enrolled on September 1, 2018. Select another enrollment date:

First-year examination
Required courses

3. year

BAFY500: Bachelor's project in Physics (10 ECTS)

FY533 Experimental Physics II (5 ECTS)

MM557 Partial Differential Equations and complex analysis (5 ECTS)
Elective (10 ECTS)

FY508: Physics of condensed matter (10 ECTS)

FY512: Modeling of physical systems (5 ECTS)

FY535: Astrophysics and Introduction to Cosmology (5 ECTS)

FY536: Quantum optics (5 ECTS)
Valggruppe (5 ECTS)

2. year

FY522 Introductory quantum mechanics II (5 ECTS)

FY524 Thermal physics II (5 ECTS)

FY531 Experimental physics I (5 ECTS)

NAT510: Philosophy of Physics (2.5 ECTS)

NAT511 Science Innovation Project (2.5 ECTS)
ValggruppeECTS (10 ECTS)

FY521: Introductory quantum mechanics I (5 ECTS)

FY504: Classical Physics (10 ECTS)
Statistik (TEK) (5 ECTS)
Perspektiverende modul (10 ECTS)

1. year

FF501 First year project (10 ECTS)

FY534 Electromagnetism (10 ECTS)

FY523 Thermal physics I (5 ECTS)

FY530 Computational Science (5 ECTS)

FY529: Fundamentals of physics (10 ECTS)

MM536: Calculus for mathematics (10 ECTS)

MM505: Linear algebra (5 ECTS)
FF500: Introduction to subject, research and community of practice (5 ECTS)

Comments to major

Kommentar til evaluering af kurser i førsteårsprøven: Forudsætningsprøver og tilhørende eksamenselement b) (1 ECTS) og c) (1 ECTS) i FY529 er ikke del af førsteårsprøven.

Studiestartsprøve: I forbindelse med FF500 afvikles FF500a Studiestartsprøve.

Valggruppe på 5. semester (5 ECTS); Her vælges mellem KE820: Beregningskvantekemi (5 ECTS), KE827: Basic Solid State Chemistry (5 ECTS) eller Cleanroom Microfabrication (TEK) (5 ECTS).

Valggruppe på 4. semester (10 ECTS): her vælges FY537 Grundlæggende Astronomi (10 ECTS) eller Grundlæggende teoretisk og eksperimentel optik (TEK) (10 ECTS)

Perspektiverende modul: Består for ét-faglige fysikstuderende af DM560 Introduktion til programmering i C++(5 ECTS) og MM507 Differentialligninger (5 ECTS). Se forløbet for centralfag fysik med sidefag for anbefalinger til perspektiverende modul.

Bachelorprojektet kan efter eget valg øges til 15 ECTS ved at inddrage 5 ECTS valgfrit.

Bemærk at nogle af kurserne udbydes af TEK og ikke NAT:
Cleanroom Microfabrication (TEK) (5 ECTS), se link: 41206&print=1">
Statistik (TEK) (5 ECTS) se link: 41075&print=1&lang=uk">
Grundlæggende teoretisk og eksperimentel optik (TEK) (10 ECTS) Udbydes kun forår: 40397">

Required courses

Statistik (TEK) 5 ECTS
BAFY500: Bachelor's project in Physics10 ECTS
FF500: Introduction to subject, research and community of practice5 ECTS
FF501 First year project10 ECTS
FY504: Classical Physics10 ECTS
FY508: Physics of condensed matter10 ECTS
FY512: Modeling of physical systems5 ECTS
FY521: Introductory quantum mechanics I5 ECTS
FY522 Introductory quantum mechanics II5 ECTS
FY523 Thermal physics I5 ECTS
FY524 Thermal physics II5 ECTS
FY529: Fundamentals of physics10 ECTS
FY530 Computational Science5 ECTS
FY531 Experimental physics I5 ECTS
FY533 Experimental Physics II5 ECTS
FY534 Electromagnetism10 ECTS
FY535: Astrophysics and Introduction to Cosmology5 ECTS
FY536: Quantum optics5 ECTS
MM505: Linear algebra5 ECTS
MM536: Calculus for mathematics10 ECTS
MM557 Partial Differential Equations and complex analysis5 ECTS
NAT510: Philosophy of Physics2.5 ECTS
NAT511 Science Innovation Project2.5 ECTS
Perspektiverende modul 10 ECTS
Valggruppe 5 ECTS
ValggruppeECTS 10 ECTS
Required courses in total170 ECTS


Elective 10 ECTS
Elective in total10 ECTS


ECTS in total 180 ECTS


There are no transitionals for the chosen course of study.