Recommended course of study for the master program with major in chemistry.

Valid for students enrolled on September 1, 2014. Select another enrollment date:

First-year examination
Required courses

2. year
Thesis (60 ECTS)

1. year
Fagperspektiverende aktivitet (30 ECTS)
Spectroscopy (5 ECTS)
Inorganic Chemistry B (5 ECTS)
Konstituerende kursus i teoretisk kemi (5 ECTS)
Konstituerende kursus i analytisk kemi (5 ECTS)
Konstituerende kursus i organisk kemi (5 ECTS)
Modul A (5 ECTS)

Comments to major

Constituent master courses (15 ECTS): Here you have to select from a range of constituent master courses. You must take 5 ECTS from each of three different subject areas: Organic chemistry, Theoretical chemistry and Analytical chemistry.

Organic chemistry: KE806 Advanced synthetic chemistry(5 ECTS), KE807 Physical organic chemistry (5 ECTS), KE823 Applied heterocyclic chemistry (5 ECTS) or KE814 Advanced organic synthesis (5 ECTS).

Theoretical chemistry: KE803 Modelling (5 ECTS) or KE820 Computational quantum chemistry (5 ECTS).

Analytical chemistry: Advanced NMR spectroscopy (5 ECTS), KE815 Advanced analyticsl spectroscopy (5 ECTS), KE816 Archaeometry (5 ECTS) or KE817 Aquatic environmental chemistry (5 ECTS).

PLEASE NOTE: Module A: Students with a BSc in Chemistry can take an elective course (5 ECTS). Students with a BSc in Engineering (chemistry or chemistry and biotechnology) or a BEng in Chemical engineering must take KE818 Supplementary Course in Quantum Chemistry and Symmetry(5 ECTS).

Required courses

KE801 Inorganic Chemistry B5 ECTS
KE826 Spectroscopy5 ECTS
Konstituerende kursus i analytisk kemi 5 ECTS
Konstituerende kursus i organisk kemi 5 ECTS
Konstituerende kursus i teoretisk kemi 5 ECTS
Modul A 5 ECTS
Thesis 60 ECTS
Required courses in total90 ECTS


Fagperspektiverende aktivitet 30 ECTS
Elective in total30 ECTS


ECTS in total 120 ECTS


There are no transitionals for the chosen course of study.