BB517: Zoology (15 ECTS)

STADS: 04001701

Bachelor course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the autumn semester.
2nd and 3rd quarter

Teacher responsible
No responsible teachers found, contact the department if necessary

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Tuesday 10-11 U26 06-12
Common I Wednesday 13-14 U26 06-12
S1 TE Tuesday 12-14 U40 06-12
S1 TE Wednesday 16-18 U40 06-12
S2 TE Tuesday 14-16 U40 06-12
S2 TE Wednesday 14-16 U40 06-12
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Academic preconditions:
Students must be familiar with the topics covered by BB501 – Biology from molecule to ecosystem.

Course introduction
The course provides a fundamental understanding of the biology of Invertebrates and Chordates. Based on the fylogenetic system, aspects from several different biological disciplines are covered, including systematics, taxonomi, evolution, anatomy, morphology, embryology , histology, life cycles, and physiology. The course thus aims at giving the participants insight to animal diversity

Expected learning outcome
By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:

• describe the phylogenetic systems and general evolutionary trends
• prepare the organisms for dissection and microscopy account for the criteria used in the classification
• analyze the anatomi, morfology and embryology of the organisms and identify important structures
• describe the morfological variation between the organisms and their associated structures within a given taxon
• evaluate the coupling between form, function, and the organisms' adaptation to their environment.

Subject overview
Systematics and phylogeny of Invertebrates and Chordates. The evolution, anatomy, morphology, development, life cycles, physiology and embryology of selected groups.

There isn't any litterature for the course at the moment.

See syllabus.

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam

Assessment and marking:
(a) Lab exercises in 1st and 2nd quarter account for 4 ECTS of the course. Graded pass/fail. Internal censorship by the teacher.
(b) Lab exercises in 3rd quarter account for 4 ECTS points of the course. Graded pass/fail. Internal censorship by the teacher.
Full participation in all lab exercises and excursions is required to participate in the exams.
(c) 4 hour written exam in botany after 2nd quarter.
(d) 4 hour written exam in zoology after 3rd quarter.

Every course module is graded according to the 7-scale. External censorship.
Re-examination after 4th quarter.

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.

21 timers forelæsning, 42 timers laboratorieøvelser og 12 timers ekskursioner.

20 timers forelæsning, 44 timers laboratorieøvelser og 8 timers ekskursion.

Undervisningen er i begge del-moduler opdelt i enheder (to pr. uge) bestående af 1 times forelæsning efterfulgt af 2 timers laboratorieøvelser samme dag. Undtaget er zoologidelens sidste uge hvor der er kun er 2x2 timers laboratorieøvelser. Dertil kommer 2 dagsekskursioner i botanik og 1 dagsekskursion i zoologi.
SDUs e-learn facilitet fungerer som informationscenter og billeddatabase for kurset.
Educational activities

This course is taught in Danish.

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.