BMB508: Advanced Molecular Biology (10 ECTS)

STADS: 01013601

Bachelor course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the spring semester.

Teacher responsible

Additional teachers

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Monday 14-16 U55 9
Common I Monday 10-12 U55 10,12
Common I Tuesday 08-10 U55 6
Common I Tuesday 10-12 U55 8
Common I Tuesday 14-16 U48A 11
Common I Thursday 16-18 U48A 10
Common I Thursday 10-12 U55 14
Common I Friday 12-14 U140 5-6,8,18
Common I Friday 12-14 U1 11-12
Common I Friday 10-12 U55 14
H1 TL Monday 12-17 Red Lab 15
H1 TE Tuesday 12-14 U8 8-9,14
H1 TL Tuesday 12-17 Red Lab 15
H1 TL Tuesday 10-12 U20 17 Orientering lab rapport H1 og H2
H1 TE Tuesday 14-16 U31 19
H1 TE Wednesday 08-10 U31 8-12,14,17-18,21
H1 TL Wednesday 08-13 Red Lab 15
H1 TE Friday 14-16 U31 6
H2 TL Tuesday 10-12 U20 17 Orientering lab rapport
H2 TE Tuesday 12-14 U31 19
H2 TE Wednesday 10-12 U31 8-9,14,17-18
H2 TL Wednesday 13-18 Red Lab 15
H2 TE Thursday 12-14 U31 6,8-12,21
H2 TE Thursday 12-14 U64 14
H2 TL Thursday 12-17 Red Lab 15
H2 TL Friday 10-15 Red Lab 15
H3 TE Monday 14-16 U8 8
H3 TE Monday 16-18 U31 9
H3 TL Monday 12-17 Red Lab 16
H3 TE Tuesday 12-14 U8 6
H3 TE Tuesday 08-10 U155 14
H3 TL Tuesday 12-17 Red Lab 16
H3 TE Wednesday 14-16 U155 8-12,17-18,21
H3 TE Wednesday 16-18 U31 14
H3 TL Wednesday 08-13 Red Lab 16
H3 TL Wednesday 10-12 U8 17 Orientering lab rapport H3 og H4
H3 TE Wednesday 11-13 U31 19
H4 TE Tuesday 14-16 U24 8,17
H4 TE Tuesday 14-16 U23A 14
H4 TE Wednesday 12-14 U24 8,10
H4 TL Wednesday 13-18 Red Lab 16
H4 TL Wednesday 10-12 U8 17 Orientering lab rapport
H4 TE Wednesday 08-10 U31 19
H4 TE Thursday 08-10 U31 6,8-9,11-12,14,18,21
H4 TL Thursday 12-17 Red Lab 16
H4 TE Friday 12-14 U31 9
H4 TL Friday 10-15 Red Lab 16
Show entire timetable
Show personal time table for this course.

Samlæses med BMB809.


Academic preconditions:
Students taking the course are expected to:
  • Have knowledge of basic terms within biochemistry and molecular biology.
  • Be able to use the scientific approach to conduct experiments and to interpret experimental data.
  • To be familiar with the content of BB501 Biology from molecule to ecosystem (or FF503), and the content of BMB533 Molecular biology and protein chemistry.

Course introduction
The aim of the course is to provide a coherent understanding of molecular and cell biological processes in human cells and eukaryotic model systems. 

The course builds on the knowledge acquired in the course "Molecular biology and protein chemistry" and gives an academic basis for studying cell- and molecular processes that are part of the degree.

In relation to the competence profile of the degree it is the explicit focus of the course to:

  • Give knowledge and understanding of how cells in multicellular organisms communicates with each other by external ligands, how they pass on this information by receptors and signalling pathways and how this modulate chromatin structures and gene expression for the control of cell cycle, cell growth, cell differentiation and apoptosis. These processes are further illustrated by examples of how stem cells are maintained and induced for differentiation and how dysregulation of cell signalling contributes to the development of cancer.
  • Give knowledge and understanding of basic methods in molecular and cell biology for the study of gene and protein function in human cells 
  • Give the skills to read and understand literature within biochemistry, molecular biology, and biomedicine with the main focus on signal transduction and gene regulation.
  • Give the competence to comprehend the association between genotype and phenotype in human cells and the ability to solve biological questions across the course subjects.

Expected learning outcome
The learning objective of the course is that the student demonstrates the ability to:
  1. Describe the general architecture of eukaryotic chromosomes and genes 
  2. Explain how chromatin structures are regulated and how DNA and histone modifications take part in this process
  3. Explain how transcription factors and transcriptional processes regulate gene expression
  4. Explain how posttranscriptional processes, including RNA modification, processing, and alternative splicing are regulated and how they contribute to the control gene expression
  5. Explain the function and regulation of different types of non-coding RNA
  6. Explain how different classes of membrane bound receptors are activated, how signals are transduced from the membrane to the cell nucleus, and how signals are integrated to control gene expression and cell fate.
  7. Explain how the eukaryotic cell cycle is regulated and the role of checkpoints to maintain genome integrity and stability.
  8. Explain how anti-apoptotic and pro-survival signals regulate cell survival and apoptosis
  9. Explain how proto-oncogens, oncogenes, tumor suppressors, and DNA damage and repair factors control normal cell cycle , cell growth and development and how changes in these genes/proteins contributes to cancer development.
  10. Explain how virus and carcinogens might  promote cancer
  11. Explain how cell types are specified and how early development of various eukaryotic organisms are regulated 
  12. Explain the basic principles of methods for the analysis of gene and protein function based on knockout cells or transgenic model organisms, genome sequencing, and visualization of proteins within cells. 
  13. Apply tools for the analysis and presentation of microscopy images
  14. Deduce conclusions based on the interpretation of experimental data 
  15. Arguing over options on how to solve complex and transverse biological questions. 

Subject overview
The following main topics are contained in the course:
  • DNA, chromosomes, and genomes
  • Control of gene expression
  • Analysing cells, molecules and systems
  • Visualizing cells
  • Cell signalling
  • The cell cycle
  • Cell death
  • Cancer
  • Stem cell and tissue renewal

  • Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter: Molecular Biology of the Cell, 6th , ISBN:9780815344322.
  • Forskningsartikler udvalgt i forhold til symposier.

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam
  1. Participation in lab work is a prerequisite for exam a. Pass/fail, internal assessment by teacher.
Assessment and marking:
  1. Approval by teacher of report on laboratory exercises. Pass/fail. (0 ECTS).
  2. Written examination (4 hours) with no books (dictionary allowed). External marking, 7-mark scale, external examinators. (10 ECTS).

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.
Intro phase: 40 hours
Skills training phase: 40 hours, hereof:
 - Tutorials: 24 hours
 - Laboratory exercises: 16 hours

Educational activities
During the study-phase it is expected that the students independently study the course book, read the additional literature, complete the home assignments, work on the laboratory report, and prepare for the exam.Educational form
The intro-phase comprises lectures that provide a thorough introduction to the course subjects and where a dialogue with the students is stimulated by questions. Research-based teaching is applied and discussions of selected research topics are encouraged by two symposia with invited speakers. The lectures aim at facilitating and motivating the students to read the study book independently with the purpose of strengthening their competences. 

The training-phase expands on the acquired competences by class teaching using home assignments that cover the main statement of aims for the course. During the laboratory exercises, the students work independently in groups of 2-4 on predesigned experiments and data interpretation. The exercises focus on cell visualization in relation to cell cycle, apoptosis and cancer and thereby provide first-hand knowledge of the structure and function of cells, which help and motivate the students to read the study book independently. 

During the study-phase it is expected that the students independently study the course book, read the additional literature, complete the home assignments, work on the laboratory report, and prepare for the exam.


This course is taught in English, if international students participate. Otherwise the course is taught in Danish.

The course is co-read with: BMB809.

The course cannot be chosen by students who: has passed BM114.


Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.