KE508: Physical Chemistry B (5 ECTS)

STADS: 10007901

Bachelor course

Teaching period
The course is offered in the spring semester.

Teacher responsible

Group Type Day Time Classroom Weeks Comment
Common I Monday 08-10 U24 6,9-11
Common I Friday 12-14 U24 5-6,9-12
H1 TE Monday 08-10 U24 12,15
H1 TE Tuesday 08-10 U24 10
H1 TL Wednesday 09-13 Lab 9 12,15,17-19
H1 TL Wednesday 08-12 Lab 9 16
H2 TL Wednesday 14-18 Lab 9 12,15-19
Show entire timetable
Show personal time table for this course.

Fundamental Chemistry (FF503 or KE501) ,KE523 Physical Chemistry A and KE528 Introductory inorganic chemistry are expected.

Academic preconditions:
Students taking the course are expected to:
  • have knowledge of introductory chemistry and willingness to extend and apply this knowledge to towards physical chemistry,
  • be able to perform basic calculations such. use of force laws, converting tierpotenser, use and conversion of physical units, read and pool tables for the presentation of properties, prepare readable data graphs,
  • be able to use basic algebra and rewrite algebraic equations in order to apply them to describe physico-chemical phenomena,
  • have some understanding about statistical and systematic errors and about error propagation.

Course introduction
The course aims to deepen the insight of the students about the basic concepts of physical chemistry, and to use them in a more advanced framework and extend them towards non-ideal behavior, both in the theoretical and also in the experimental part of the course. The students will get more familiar with the dependence of systems on temperature, pressure and composition. Concepts and phenomena of previous courses (KE523 and KE528) will be addressed and clarified. The students will also apply general laboratory techniques, starting with the planning of their laboratory exercises, written documentation and preliminary data presentation, all into a notebook as they work. Finally, a lab report is assembled in scientific format.

The practical part includes simple physico-chemical methods such as calorimetry, vapor pressure measurements, conductivity measurements, quantitative material determination, etc .. The theoretical and practical topics are chosen so that they serve as a repetition but also for deepening of relevant details from the course syllabus. Additionally, they constitute an introduction and provide and exercise in analysis and discussion of experimental data in scientific format.

The course builds on the knowledge acquired in the courses of the first two and half years of the bachelor's program, and it provides a basis for applying and extending previous knowledge with regards to experimental verification and reporting. Focus is hands-on laboratory work with planning of the experiments, conducting them and preliminary immediate analysis of results. A full written report shall be carried out in scientific format. The course offers a training for the work on bachelor projects and for future professional case.

In relation to the competence profile of the degree it is the explicit focus of the course to:
  • provide knowledge about the physico-chemical characteristics of chemical systems,
  • develop skills to gather new knowledge and combine it with a specific experimental task,
  • provide skills to break down the task into its specific aspects and establish formal plans and documentation about the activity (on sample making, on data acquisition, making tables, graphing data, etc.)
  • practicing collaboration and communication skills,
  • establish expertise in scientific documentation and report writing in the thesis format.

Expected learning outcome
The learning objective of the course is that the student demonstrates the ability to:
  • be able to apply basic mathematics for use in the laboratory and for data analysis;
  • be capable to  compile the laboratory descriptions into the details of sample preparation and experimental procedures, in the form of clear tables and graphs; 
  • identify the central topics to conduct the lab exercise and to read up the scientific background (using textbooks, hand -outs, Internet sources, etc.); 
  • document the exercise progress continuously by writing an individual notebook while working,
  • take data and analyze them applying the knowledge gained throughout the course, 
  • evaluate the literature for the discussion of their results, 
  • establish a scientific conclusion on the lab exercise outcome. 

Subject overview
The following main topics are contained in the course:
  • deepened knowledge on physical chemistry (non-ideal behavior, mixtures, reaction kinetics, etc.)
  • instruction in notebook writing as a tool throughout the learning process, for knowledge assembly, planning of experiments and their documentation, sharing of knowledge etc., 
  • introduction into experimental work in physical chemistry, 
  • introduction to the planning and implementation of hands-on lab exercises, 
  • introduction to data collection and evaluation,
  • introduction to the use and assembly of documentation tools (scientific tables and graphs, text writing in scientific format) 
  • instruction on report writing in scientific format.

  • Engel & Reid: Physical Chemistry, 2nd International Edition, 2010, Pearson Edu-cation, Pearson Prentice Hall.

This course uses e-learn (blackboard).

Prerequisites for participating in the exam
  1. Participation in laboratory exercises, bringing the working materials (notebook with tables etc) and active contribution during the laboratory work in teams, completion of the laboratory work byreports. Approval of a report about a specified laboratory exercise is a prerequisite for participation in the oral exam a). (10007912).
Assessment and marking:
  1. Oral exam, grading on Danish 7-scale with external censorship. (5 ECTS).(10007902).

Allowed exam aids: The notebook assembled throughout the course; all own lab reports.

Expected working hours
The teaching method is based on three phase model.
Intro phase: 20 hours
Skills training phase: 30 hours, hereof:
 - Tutorials: 6 hours
 - Laboratory exercises: 24 hours

Educational activities
  • reading up of lecture contents,
  • preparation for the laboratory exercises: collection of the essential topics of the experiments, preparation of tables to enter details on sample making, and preparation of tables for the data to take,
  • reading about the background behind the laboratory exercises, entering the details into the course notebook,
  • writing a full report on one specified laboratory exercise.
  • agreement on a plan for conducting the joint experiments, including a detailed plan for the sample preparation,
  • agreement to distribution of work packages during the laboratorz exercise,
  • agreement on a preliminary data presentation and the production of graphs during the laboratory activity,
  • writing a report for each experiment, for hand in and later use during the exam.
Educational form
The theoretical part of the course introduces into the concepts of Physical Chemistry, and the experimental part connects this knowledge to the properties of real systems by hands-on laboratory exercises. Two major expertises shall be trained throughout the course: these are a continuous activity documentation during planning, conducting and analyzing experiments by assembly of an individual notebook, and the assembly of an activity report in scientific format. This way the course does serve as a direct preparation of the work on a bachelor project, or in a future professional context.

This course is taught in English.

Course enrollment
See deadline of enrolment.

Tuition fees for single courses
See fees for single courses.